Monday, April 20, 2015

Nursery + Deck project

Awhile back I promised pictures of the nursery so here it is!
I still would like to hang some more things on the wall, but overall I wanted to keep it simple. 

Before I was born, Dad and Mom had got me a sheepskin that we fondly called "Wooley".
I was so attached to Wooley and have many memories with it.
We thought it would be neat tradition to get baby girl one like I had...we'll see if she loves it as much as did <3


I got all the big and little pink bins from the Dollar Tree for A DOLLAR each!
They made organizing her closet easy and gives it a nice tidy look that was very affordable.

I found this lamp at an antique store for $10! This is not my first lamp find and it is now hard for me to buy a floor lamp brand new at a retail store when I know I can find them cheaper and easily clean it up with spray paint and a new shade.

I have not done anything with this particular lamp. I liked the vintage shade which is in great shape and the gold color to go with the slightly old time feel of the nursery.

My "bump picture" for week 39 ;)

While I've been "nesting" around the house, Dan has been working on his latest project...our back deck. 
When we bought the house, we knew we were going to need to replace the deck and it is something we really wanted to do to make it more practical for entertaining and enjoying pretty evenings outside.

Picture taken when we were first looking at the house

Picture taken when we were first looking at this house

Two sliding doors replaced with windows and old deck coming off

Old deck gone and new post holes being dug

Re-siding done and new deck going up.
Aaannnd......a couple new trees planted!

Pretty new railing and my favorite view from the deck

 Not a whole lot happening other than that and waiting for baby to arrive :)
Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

As the time draws near


That sums up in one word what I wanted to be when it came to childbirth.

What I had thought I would be when it came down to it.

What I had been until I realized.....*I* was about to fully experience the pain and process.

This reminds me of how I felt my freshman year of nursing school. Totally clueless and naive of the hard work, long hours, and late nights // blood, sweat and tears // that lay in the path that stretched out before me, but bright-eyed and eager to begin the journey.

It is a mercy of God, I think,  that a lot of times we don't know exactly what lies ahead. I think if He fully revealed that to us, we would either (a) lose the realization that we need Him or (b) hide in fear.

A verse that the Lord made real to me during college and that Dan and I really appreciate is 2 Corinthians 3:5

'Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves,
but our adequacy is from God'

I received some of the biggest blessings walking that long, hard path through nursing school. I saw more of God and saw more of my need for Him during that time than I probably have at any other single time. So knowing that and knowing nothing, yet something, of what lies ahead on this journey......I can be fearless.

- A glimpse into these last weeks of pregnancy -
raspberry tea / alfalfa pills / The Birth Partner

34 weeks + 3 days


'There is a robber at every turn of the road to rob you of your jewels;
there is a temptation in every mercy;
there is a snare in every joy;
and if you ever reach heaven,
it will be a miracle of divine grace to be ascribed entirely to your Father's power.'

'Hold thou me up, and I shall be safe.'

Charles Spurgeon from Morning and Evening

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Before Two becomes Three

Camp-outs & movie nights in the living room...
Breakfast in bed...
Chili Rellenos from El Tapatio...
Evenings at Ray & Kelly's visiting & doing my 30 minutes of walking...
Working at the hospital and fire department...

These are just a few of the things that have filled Dan and I's weeks this past month. We can feel the time getting shorter and shorter as we anticipate baby girl's arrival. 
And can I just say, I have loved this season!
I once thought if I was ever pregnant, I wanted to enjoy the time and not merely anticipate it ending and holding the precious baby at the end.
I think this time has been even sweeter than I anticipated knowing that it is Dan and I's last few months / weeks / days of being just "us". I'm eating up every moment I have with him because I know come April I'll no longer be his only favorite girl ;)

"....Darlin' I'll be lovin you 'til we're 70..."

Breakfast in bed

...sweet, quiet mornings...<3

Reading / learning:

Dan and I listened to a message by Don Currin called "10 ways to waste your marriage".  It was very good and worth a listen. If you're interested in checking it out, here's a link:

"It is not without great significance that when a woman marries a man she takes his name. 
It is not merely a matter of convenience, so that they both may have a family name, something to pass on to the children.
 She becomes identified with him, and she is either his glory or his disgrace. 
Not only that, but he is her strength and her refuge, and all that he is, she is. 
Not only does she avail herself of all the strength and resources of her husband, but her husband takes upon himself all her reproaches and weakness. 
Therefore, he is understandably jealous for the appearance, behavior, and attitude of his wife. He loves her and desires the best for her. 
All that she is reflects him. Her name is his name, and his name is in her."

Conrad Murrell from The Gospel According to Ruth

I thought this was such a good picture of a person becoming a Christian and taking on Christ's name. We not only get to benefit from His infinite resources, but He takes upon Himself all our sin and weakness. All that we now are and do in bearing His name reflects on Him. Therefore, He is understandably jealous that our appearance, behavior and attitude reflect Him rightly.

Coming soon:

A blog post of baby girl's nursery! :)

31 weeks together :)

Pictures like this are rare these days. I'm usually rockin' sweatpants and big t-shirts (which are no longer big on me, haha).
Tiredness and cravings have officially made their residency -- particularly Chili Rellenos, fruit, and cinnamon-raisin bagels -- Well, okay! lets be honest, anything that is sweet and loaded with carbs...gulp.

Baby girl moves a lot!...and it is still as fun and fascinating to feel / see her flip and push around as it was from Day 1.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Spring like Winter Weekend

The weeks between now and the end of April seem to be quickly closing in and with the unusually warmer January weather, Dan and I have plunged into some more projects. The vision of the nursery is becoming a reality. Curtains...complete! Next up, re-covering a wood rocking chair that Mom and I found at an antique shop and re-covering and re-staining a little wood footstool that we also found at an antique shop for $5! So proud of that find!...and for good reason. As hard as I try not to be, I always seem to fall into the category of "wanna-to-be-thrifty-bargain-store-shopper", and never finding anything good. Before and after pics of rocker and footstool coming soon!

A highlight of the weekend was Mom coming to visit. Dan worked the day she came, so we had a fun girls afternoon/evening antique shopping, going out for supper, playing games, and lots of laughs. She's great company! :)

The nursery is starting to come together!
Found the curtain instructions here:

Dan helping me stay active and taking me for an evening walk

25 weeks

Lazy morning with these two <3

Game night with my momma!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


The last few months have literally flown by! 

Dan is keeping busy at work and around the house. He is working to finish up the big inside projects we started/planned when we bought our house.

Dan is getting closer and closer to finishing his part of the house improvements, then my part begins...decorating and actually hanging something on the bare walls.

 I'm still working nights at the hospital on the Med-Surgical floor. New things...I'm constantly learning new things.
The Lord is helping and giving me joy in doing, and being, where He has me.

Dan and I have enjoyed the moments we have gotten together in between work and the changing seasons.

Our newest joy these past several months has been this little one ---

Its a girl!

New belly size ;)...
She has been kicking! I'm so captivated with her precious, new movements.